Thursday, November 10, 2011


Narrator's post:

Gaining the advantage in these areas however took most of the war. As demonstrated in the preceding paragraphs, there were no instant moments where the Allies quickly gained the advantage in one area and so secured the conditions necessary to win the war. By gaining the collective advantage in all these areas, the Allied turnaround was total and complete. A lot of effort had to be put into mobilizing economies, rallying their populations, work out between themselves vital questions of war aims and strategy, and more importantly, doggedly resist Axis advance in particular battles such as Stalingrad and Midway in order to at least stem Axis advances before any counter- offensive could be possibly launched, and all these took time ranging from months to a few years at least. But in doing so, the Allies helped ensure total and complete victory over the Axis powers in every theatre contested, be it Europe, the Pacific or Atlantic.

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